
Meet the Denton Family!

Dear Grand Master Hafner,

It’s my pleasure to write about my personal growth during the past two years at Keith Hafner’s Karate.

The initial decision to learn the lessons of karate revolved around my son, Evan.  At the time, Evan was 4 years old and my wife and I wanted an experience for him which would help raise his confidence and provide him with an environment which would recognize his accomplishments in a positive manner.  I did not plan on enrolling in karate at the time (who knew?).

After a month of coming to the program with Evan, it became clear to me that I wanted to do this with Evan so that we could share the experience and discuss the lessons learned – karate and life lessons together – and make it part of our father-son relationship and family commitment.

For me personally, the experience has been much like life in general…challenges and success with preparation.  The effort required is something I use in everyday professional and personal life. Practice what you do so that when the time to perform comes along, you’re ready to present your best self.

Coming in as an “older” person, I have been able to fold in the lessons of “Keith Hafner’s Karate” into my leadership expectations at work and at home.  I really appreciate the wisdom notes which are sent by email and as part of the week’s lessons, which reinforce the balance of karate as a body, mind and soul experience, with emphasis on the mind and the heart as much as the body.

Balancing time has always been a challenge for me as life is always busy and always full. However, the benefits I have experienced going through this black belt journey have been so much fun and has offered my family great memories over the past two years and another way to address life’s little obstacles along the way.

Fun — I have met so many nice and caring people who work hard but do it in a fun way, which is so important to me as life is so uncertain. Being able to live life to the fullest and have that reinforced by the “fun” time spent in karate is important. With the stresses of work, fun and a sense of humor make it all work and come together.

Journey and Destination: For me, working through the steps to becoming a black belt is about the journey and the destination. It helps being able to teach that to Evan as there has been nothing like it in his young life. Taking each step as it comes and knowing that it brings one closer to the ultimate goal teaches patience, preparation and pride.

Best wishes,

Tony Denton
Associate Director and Administrator