Why People Quit
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Why People Quit. You begin a new activity. You are excited and ready to learn. You have your first training session, and you learn a TON! You get home [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Why People Quit. You begin a new activity. You are excited and ready to learn. You have your first training session, and you learn a TON! You get home [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Doers & Critics. "Criticism has its own agenda." That's what I wrote at the beginning of the week on our school chalkboard. Immunity to criticism is one of [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Do You Know This Language? Did you know that there are many different languages within a language? Here's what I mean. There is a language of gossip, isn't [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Do This for Guaranteed Success. All you really have to do to be successful is one thing. Expect MORE of yourself than anybody else does. If the coach [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Difficult People. The difficult people in our lives present us with a choice: 1. We can avoid them. Works in the short term…but if you follow this [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Did You Goof Up? Of course you did. We all do. What matters is what you do next. Some people pay no attention. They move forward as if [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Dealing With Problems part 1 Solving the problems in your life requires you to change your understanding of at least three words: confront; tolerate; anger. Confront: People often [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Dealing with FEAR! One of the advantages of training in the Martial Arts for nearly fifty years is that it's given me plenty of opportunities to move outside [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Dealing With Criticism. I think you would agree that we live in a very, very, mediocre world. Because mediocre people are threatened by people who decide to rise [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Excel at Anything with these Four Steps. Many folks watch top performers and admire their talent. What they don't always see is that behind every "talented" performer is [...]