Powerful Body Language
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Powerful Body Language. I was recently at an event that was attended by, literally, thousands of young kids. If you were there, I'm sure you would have seen [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Powerful Body Language. I was recently at an event that was attended by, literally, thousands of young kids. If you were there, I'm sure you would have seen [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Hey, Teachers, Coaches, Leaders! How to Teach. Don't teach the ‘thing.’ (the piano; how to clean a fish; set a pick; solve an algebra equation; etc.) Teach the [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Dealing with Bullies. Bullies were a wretched, rotten problem when you and I were in school, weren't they? Well... They still are today! Unfortunately, our society still produces [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner For Teachers, Parents, Bosses, and Other Leaders... People in these categories have one thing in common. They are all confronted with the task of teaching other people how [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Focus. I was having a discussion a while back with a boy named Owen, who happens to be a very focused 14-year-old. He told me that his priorities [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Focus. Max and Oscar both started tennis lessons at the same time. As beginners, they made good progress. When the class was over, Oscar enrolled in the intermediate [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Karate Stories: Focus. Our brains hate focus. The human brain resists limiting itself to specific topics. It wants to be free to roam. When I was writing ‘How [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Five Skills for Making New Friends It hurts, doesn’t it, when your child has a hard time making friends? Some kids make friends easily; many others need some [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Mrs. Dunavin Been thinking a lot about the teachers that have impacted my life. Grand Master Sell, of course. Robert Smith and Nicholas Cokinos. Mrs. Dunavin has been [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Teachers When you think about your favorite teacher or mentor...and the impact they had on your life, the math, the history, the piano...whatever the actual skills were they [...]