
Meet Lorin!

Dear Grand Master Hafner,

I have experienced substantial improvements in my professional life since I began my training at Keith Hafner’s Karate. Most significantly, my focus has improved. I used to have trouble sustaining my concentration when doing lengthy, tedious tasks. Since my karate training has required extended focus on tasks that also demand greater intensity, I have found it much easier to maintain focus on my tasks at work.

In addition to improved focus, I have attained a more goal oriented mind- set since the beginning of my training. In the past, I was “drifting” from job to job and randomly exploring various interests. Recently, I have set concrete goals relating to my career, physical fitness, home improvement, and financial planning. I feel that I owe a great deal to Keith Hafner’s Karate for inspiring me to take these important steps.

Lorin Burgess, Social Worker