
Meet Len!

Dear Grand Master Hafner,

I have to confess that I was skeptical about some of the things I had heard about martial arts and KHK.  Maybe that’s why I walked past your school for almost 20 years before I stopped in to give it a try.  Besides, I’m a lawyer.  I’m paid to be skeptical.

I thought that studying karate might help me get in better shape, but I questioned whether it could make a significant difference.  Since I started training, however, my flexibility and stamina have improved dramatically.  In fact, my training at KHK helped prepare me mentally and physically to complete 2 marathons, 4 half-marathons, and several other long distance runs.  Also,  my training has proven to be a great stress reliever, which has helped immeasurably in many facets of my professional and personal life.

I was also skeptical of some of the things I had heard KHK could do for children.  But my experience as a member of the school’s ‘SWAT’ team of volunteer instructors has convinced me that everything I had heard is true.

Training at KHK can indeed provide tremendous help and support to children in developing such essential life skills as focus, confidence, and self discipline.  I see it every day I teach.  I feel very privileged to be able to help our young students grow in these areas.

Of course, people talk a lot about the special skills that KHK offers children, but I want to stress that it offers something very special to adults as well. KHK provides an oasis where everyone is treated with respect, where everyone is encouraged (and expected) to do their best, and where every individual is nurtured and helped to excel.

It is a very civilized corner of an often uncivilized world.  I think many more adults would try it if they knew what they would find. Thank you, Grand Master Hafner, for all you have done for me, for so many of my friends, and for all of your students.

Len Niehoff