Meet the Schummer Family!
Dear Grand Master Hafner,
I just wanted to write you a quick note to tell you how impressed I was with how Terry handled a situation with my son Derek Saturday at belt promotion. For the first time since doing Karate, Derek froze at belt promotion and couldn’t remember all his form. He didn’t give up but repeated the moves he could remember.
After he received his first gup belt and was dismissed he came over to me. Derek was upset, and said he didn’t want his new belt because he had forgotten his moves and hadn’t done his best. Everything I said to him to try and reassure him and comfort him with his disappointment was making no headway. He really felt and verbalized that he wouldn’t accept his new belt until he showed he was worthy of receiving his new belt.
I must say I’m really proud of my son for not giving up and for recognizing he didn’t do his personal best and wanting to do something to change that. These are great steps for Derek.
As I’m sure you can imagine, Terry was very busy getting the next group ready for their belt promotion and many parents were talking with him. Yet when I asked Terry to talk with Derek, it was as if there was no one else around and he had all the time in the world for us.
He was very reassuring and supportive to Derek. He recognized how important this was to Derek and he took him over to the side and had him demonstrate his form. He again gave him some positive praises and put his new belt on him.
This made all the difference in the world to Derek. Terry’s talent with working with the kids and his caring, supportive nature deserves to be commended.
Judy Schummer, Ann Arbor