Meet the Davidsen Family!
Dear Grand Master Hafner,
I would feel remiss if I didn’t share with you notice of the special courtesy I received from your staff of instructors. Your pride and confidence in their role representing ‘Keith Hafner’s Karate’ is well deserved. Perhaps, as the only parent staying overnight at the Black Belt Power Weekend, I was the lucky recipient of their focused attention by default – but, I don’t think so. Their sincerity and thoughtfulness was evident throughout.
It would be inherently unfair to single out any specific individuals, for all shared in making me feel included and for 24 hours, one of the ‘team.’
To them, please convey my thanks. As well, for an evening well spent, please share my words of appreciation with all the instructors involved and though not mentioned by name let them know they contributed significantly and earned my appreciation.
John H. Davidsen, Chelsea