Meet the Kutella Family!
Dear Grand Master Hafner and Staff,
In life, especially when you are raising a family, there are certain experiences you can’t put a price on. In other words, the value of your experience outweighs the cost of doing it. For my family, that experience is ‘Keith Hafner’s Karate.’
Being a public educator, I see & understand the importance of after-school activities, just as many parents do. Obviously, school itself is an important and valuable experience. However, schools can’t do everything for your children. In school, your children are exposed to positive and negative situations and you hope and pray your children respond appropriately.
I remember being at an educators’ seminar and the gentleman speaking said that by the time our children attend middle and high school, they have to make five life and death decisions every day. Immediately my ears perked up. He went on to list them: Tobacco, Alcohol, Sex, Drugs, Violence.
No one had ever put it to me like that before. For some, this seems a bit extreme. However, to me it hit close to home. My children are young. They are 11, 9, 8, and 6, and we do our best to guide them so they make the right decisions.
So when it came to finding an after school activity to participate in, we looked at several options: hockey, baseball, soccer, dance, boy scouts, girl scouts, etc., all of which are positive in their own right.
However, none of those offered what our children are receiving at Keith Hafner’s Karate’: positive health and mental growth, self-discipline, self-control, courage, perseverance, respect, self-esteem building, and the list goes on. Not to mention issues like balance, physical growth, team spirit, hand-eye coordination, accomplishment, and all the psycho-motor skills.
‘Keith Hafner’s Karate’ even has a positive ‘Message of the Week’ every week, like honesty, responsibility, truth, and courage. All of these are reinforced in every class.
After getting just one of our children enrolled at ‘Keith Hafner’s Karate’ and seeing all the positive outcomes, it didn’t take long for my us to get all the children on board. Soon after that, I enrolled as well.
Now, having our whole family participating is an awesome experience. We not only talk the talk, but we walk the walk as a family. This is truly powerful. It brings us together in many ways.
We all train together, we have a common but different goal, and we all help each other strive for them. We encourage and help one another inside and outside of the school. We get to watch each other’s growth and development. It’s really great and unique how we can all come together in so many different ways at home.
‘Keith Hafner’s Karate’ has been an awesome experience for my family. I personally can not think of any better role models and mentors to expose my children to. The entire staff is professional, encouraging, and courteous; they truly walk the walk.
After over two years of attending the school, I can’t think of one day that I haven’t been greeted with a smile and been sent home with a positive message for my family to share. Thank you, ‘Keith Hafner’s Karate!’
Greg Kutella & family, Ypsilanti, Michigan