
Meet the Lynch Family!

Dear Grand Master Hafner,

Does it just keep getting better and better?  As soon as I started karate, I knew it would be one of the best things I would ever do,  but I never dreamed I would have my picture in the window or that I would have a chance to perform with the Demo Team!

My experience in your school has been extremely fulfilling.  Thank you for providing these opportunities that have been so enriching.  You, your staff, and the other students have motivated and inspired me to work at a level of commitment I’ve rarely felt in the past.  I’m loving it and feeling great.

Students discover that the karate lessons and techniques not only strengthen them in new ways physically, but also allow them to recognize that they can take care of themselves more effectively.

Students find themselves accomplishing goals they may never have set before, and these achievements build self-confidence.  While they are training, the school environment is constantly sending positive messages about their performance; the positive reinforcement from instructors and fellow students reaffirms this growing confidence.

Ellen Lynch, Ann Arbor