Meet the Stosick Family!
Dear Grand Master Hafner,
I wanted to pass along our experience with “Keith Hafner’s Karate.” Our son, Evan, was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome (a form of high-functioning Autism) when he was a third grader. We were quite understandably looking for ways to help him cope better. We hired tutors and had him seeing a Psychologist weekly.
A massage therapist who was helping him with sensory integration issues recommended this karate gym. Her son and daughter had both had great experiences there. My initial reaction wasn’t very positive because I didn’t think karate had anything to do with the issues Evan was so desperately struggling with.
How could karate help with a Pervasive Development Disorder? We were desperate to help Evan develop a positive attitude and stamina to overcome the many obstacles learning posed for him.
“Keith Hafner’s Karate” was running a special invitation for few trial lessons, so we started. Tenuously and cautiously we entered the gym. We were immediately and warmly greeted by a caring, effacious staff. Evan’s trial lessons earned him a white belt. More importantly, his father and I watched as the whole gym clapped for him when he earned it.
I saw Evan gaining self-confidence, stamina and self control. Every single instructor at Keith Hafner’s Karate is professional, caring and a master at strategic instruction. As a teacher myself, I gained some useful techniques watching the staff deal with a variety of students.
Over the past three years we have watched the metamorphosis of our son from a disabled and handicapped individual to a competent, independent, and self-disciplined young man.
The people at “Keith Hafner’s Karate” cared about Evan’s school work, social development, and home behavior. Every facet of his responsibilities was covered. The “message of the week” proved to be more useful than weekly social skills therapy.
Evan is now a brown belt. He has a 3.9 average in school and accepts responsibilities at home. He has a healthy, happy and confident outlook on his life. He has to work harder to get to where most kids start from and Karate has given him the confidence to do that.
As I write this, I am wishing that I could tell every parent of a special needs child to try Karate. I am forever grateful to Keith Hafner and his wonderful, effective staff for all their expertise.
Brie Stosick, Dexter