Meet the Banaszak-Holl Family!
Dear Grand Master Hafner,
“Studying Karate impacts my personal and professional life in a number of ways. The most obvious effect in both arenas relates to a dramatically increased level of physical fitness. I feel better at home and work and my doctor tells me my blood pressure has decreased. Feeling good certainly makes every day at home or work go a lot better.
My son and I have been studying at “Keith Hafner’s Karate” for about four years. We set the goal of reaching Black Belt together about three months after we started. Setting a difficult, challenging, and significant goal with a child, and working together to achieve it for four years, has had a profound impact on my son’s and my relationship. Perhaps most importantly, it has helped me to appreciate and respect his hopes and dreams.
As a professional teacher, going “back to school” at “Keith Hafner’s Karate” is an eye opening experience. The focus on positive reinforcement and personal attention is impressive!”
Mark Banaszak-Holl