Meet the Wargo Family!
Dear Grand Master Hafner,
It was never our intention to drive 100 miles to take our four year old, Mick, to karate class. We were sure that, being in the Flint area, we could find a nice place close to home that would meet our expectations. But – we couldn’t!
When we had all but given up on finding a respectable place that would teach our young child self-defense AND reinforce our personal values, we stumbled upon “Keith Hafner’s Karate.”
Master Hafner, owner of “Keith Hafner’s Karate,” has created a serious program for all ages that not only teached self-defense… but also teaches children the “life skills” that are necessary for success!
Master Hafner even wrote a book designed to help parents with this difficult task. It’s called “How to Build Rock Solid Kids,” and its purpose is to teach parents how to raise their child’s self-esteem.
From the first day, the teachers began working on Mick’s listening and concentration skills. We saw marked improvement almost immediately. Everything that we try to teach at home… from responsibility to good manners, are integrated into the foundation of the “Keith Hafner’s Karate” program.
We were able to sit back and watch the improvements happen. Truly Mick would never have made those strides any other way than by attending these classes.
As the weeks went by, we also began to see improvement in Mick’s ability to take on responsibility!
At the end of each class, Mick runs to me with his arms open for a big hug — while wearing a smile so solid and full of pride in himself that he confirms my decision to drive over 100 miles for a karate class!
The karate teachers have been students of the “Keith Hafner’s Karate” program themselves. Even though some of them are young, they have become my role models for patience and tolerance when it comes to dealing with people in general. The instructors are a true testament to the long term effects of “Keith Hafner’s Karate” instruction.
Keith Hafner has designed a school in the true ideal of Martial Arts: the focus is on the growth of the whole person, and not just on how to fight an opponent.
I have never been able to whole-heartedly recommend anything before. This is a program that truly teaches everyone the path to success. If you are interested in walking the path yourself, or showing your children the way, the first step is definitely through Keith Hafner’s door!
Julie Wargo, mother of Mick, age four