Meet the Davis Family!
Dear Grand Master Hafner,
Thank you for inviting us to attend your seminar you had a few weeks ago regarding popularity and peer pressure. You presented well. We enjoyed ourselves, and it is good to know who is concerned about the youth in our community. We have become ambassadors of your program, and you should be commended on your philosophy.
We try to teach Jed and Abbey about doing the right thing. ‘Why’ is the bigger part. We tell them that for every action there is a reaction.
We try to paint a picture about good choices and practical outcomes. We believe this is good, because we believe they are happy children. This is not the way the world is. We let them know that too. I think awareness and the ability to teach ‘awareness’ in underrated.
Jed loves karate and he has already become a little more conscientious about the actions he takes, choices he makes, and the outcomes perceived. Keep up the good work. You have an excellent staff.
Jerry & Kathy Davis, Ann Arbor