
Meet Greg!

Dear Grand Master Hafner and Staff,

The greatest gift I’ve received from my time at Keith Hafner’s Karate is the ability to push beyond my comfort zone.  Before I started my training in 1997, I was getting along OK.  I had debts, but not huge ones.  I had started a part-time business which brought in a little extra money, but not much.  I didn’t try new things, since I was already mostly content. I was surviving, but not really living.

The teachers at the school started me with little challenges at first to build up my confidence and then bigger ones.  The funny thing was, I always felt safe.  One day, I was testing for a new belt and I realized that I could try some moves with which I wasn’t entirely comfortable.  I took the chance and when I walked home with my new belt, I felt like I had gone beyond doing just “OK” and had really excelled.

My entire life didn’t changed in that one moment, but I did begin to glimpse the possibilities.  As I pushed myself to try new things in my training, that courage began to enter my life outside the school.

The change was slow. This past year, though, because I dared to work on more challenging projects, my business earned more than ten times what it did in 1997.  I’ve begun to travel, to experience more of what this world has to offer.  Next spring comes the biggest adventure of them all, when I marry my beautiful fiancée.

Greg Peters, Computer Consultant