Straight Talk About Work
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Straight Talk About Work. #1: Just because you are willing to work hard doesn't mean somebody is obligated to provide a job for you. #2: You are not [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Straight Talk About Work. #1: Just because you are willing to work hard doesn't mean somebody is obligated to provide a job for you. #2: You are not [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner What is Better Than Teaching? Learning, of course. Don't scoff. Lots of teaching goes on with very little learning taking place. And, every day, people learn -- without [...]
Downton Abbey & Facebook
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I have this theory that computers never become faster. The machines themselves become faster, of course. But, you see, the new, faster computer can run this new software, with more lights, video, [...]
New Skills Needed