Think for Three Days
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Think for Three Days. Here's a strategy I've used with great success. When faced with a challenge, I will write it down, in question form, and stay focused [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Think for Three Days. Here's a strategy I've used with great success. When faced with a challenge, I will write it down, in question form, and stay focused [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner The Right Way to Learn I'm usually taking 2 or 3 college level classes at a time, through "The Teaching Company." Mostly humanities stuff. Just finished a class [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner The Plateau. You are making progress. You are energized. Excited. Motivated. You practice all the time. Then, you reach the ‘plateau.’ Suddenly, nothing works. You do the same [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner The Old 'Switcher-OO’ I admit it. We pull 'the old switcher-oo' on our students. We give them some things that are hard to learn. Techniques, forms, sparring. We [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner The Most Important Success Secret. There is one ‘Success Secret’ that can, if you diligently apply it, immediately transform your entire life. It doesn’t require any special skill [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner The Most Important Habit Prayer. Neglect this and you are in trouble. The best time? Right in the morning, the first thing after you get up. How long? [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Why People Quit. You begin a new activity. You are excited and ready to learn. You have your first training session, and you learn a TON! You get home [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Why Martial Arts are Good for Adults. You get out in the real world and accomplish some stuff. You get used to being good at what you do. [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner When to Rush You have to be somewhere at 8:00 a.m. It's a twenty minute drive -- and you have to park…so you should leave the house by [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Maybe It's Time to Get Organized? Do you regularly have to get the ironing board out in the morning before work? On way to something important, do you [...]