Karate Stories: More On Focus
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Karate Stories: More on Focus Max and Oscar both started tennis lessons at the same time. As beginners, they made good progress. When the class was over, Oscar [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Karate Stories: More on Focus Max and Oscar both started tennis lessons at the same time. As beginners, they made good progress. When the class was over, Oscar [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Martial Art Schools Are Not All the Same! I received an interesting e-mail the other day from a guy named Larry (not his real name). Larry had come [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Pulling Back the Curtain. Recently I mentioned that part of our teaching strategy is to reward approximations of success. I like to share our teaching strategies. Here's why: [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner What I Told My Sons. Jason and Ian were just little guys. Two and three years old. One thing I taught them: ‘You can do hard things.’ I knew [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Powerful Body Language. I was recently at an event that was attended by, literally, thousands of young kids. If you were there, I'm sure you would have seen [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Popularity Issues A popular person is one who is liked by many people. It's nice to be popular...but the pursuit of popularity can lead to trouble! Heather says, [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Respect: Tony's Story Tony was disruptive at school, and rude and inconsiderate at home. Tony had been suspended from school; he was not obeying curfews, and constantly used profane [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Mrs. Dobson's Story Mrs. Dobson was growing tired of the disrespectful behavior of her 14-year-old daughter, Emma. Emma began to openly challenge her mother's authority. They frequently fought about [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Caleb's Story Disrespect usually begins at a very young age, with disrespectful verbal behavior. Caleb began, at age three, to say "No!" to his mother when she asked [...]
From the Desk of Keith Hafner Short Attention Spans My grandson, Sebastian, loves trains. So -- we're in my office and he says, "Let's watch the trains on the computer." And we do. For [...]