From the Desk of Keith Hafner


Dealing With Criticism.

I think you would agree that we live in a very, very, mediocre world.  Because mediocre people are threatened by people who decide to rise above and succeed, they often criticize and discourage those who commit to ambitious goals.

People who have committed to making positive changes in their lives MUST be able to withstand this criticism!

When a person decides to stick with an exercise program…or open their own business…or lose 20 pounds…or make a million dollars…there will always be people there to

1. persuade them that it’s not worth the effort

2. discourage them by reminding them of a past failure

3. point out all the reasons why it can’t be done

These “critics” almost always have two very interesting characteristics:

1. They are close friends, relatives, or co-workers.  Interesting, isn’t it?  You’d think it would be your ENEMIES trying to keep you from succeeding!

2. They are always people who are NOT doing big, ambitious things in their lives!


However…there IS a group of people who will support you in pursuing ANY challenging goal:  This is the group of people who have ALREADY done big things!  This group is always quick to encourage, motivate, and inspire!

So — the lesson?  There are two.

1. In order to succeed, you must develop an IMMUNITY to criticism!

2. Fly with EAGLES…rather than quacking with the DUCKS!