From the Desk of Keith Hafner
How to Find the Best Plan.
You’ve got a certain plan in mind. Before implementing it, you pause — wondering if it’s really the best course of action.
For example, you are thinking about taking a trip. It sounds really exciting…but it’s also kind of expensive…and you aren’t sure if it’s really the best time for you to leave town.
If you and I were discussing the issue, I would ask a simple question. It might go something like this:
You: “I’m thinking about taking a vacation…but I’m not sure if I should or not.”
Me: “You would be taking this trip SO THAT WHAT CAN HAPPEN?”
You: “Well, I guess so that I can get away from my routine at work.”
You: “I’ve been working really hard. I need a rest.”
Me: “So, you feel you really need some rest…some recharging time.
You: “Yes.”
Now that we’ve isolated what you are REALLY trying to make happen, we then discuss this: “Is my plan (the vacation) the BEST way to make that happen.”
It may be that when you isolate and clarify what you are really trying to accomplish, a better plan will emerge.
You might think, “Well, the vacation is actually a lot of stress on my schedule and my budget. Since what I’m really trying to do is recharge…to eliminate stress — I think I’ll take three or four days and just relax at home. I’ll be recharged more from that than I would from the vacation.”
You see, unless you clarify what you are really trying to do, you might go down a path that doesn’t really get you what you are after.
So, you ask yourself (You don’t need me to have this conversation. You can have it with yourself.):
1. “This plan I am considering…I’m doing this SO THAT WHAT CAN HAPPEN?”
Now, whatever answer you come up with, you might have to ask the SAME question a few times before you get to the root issue.
When you’ve isolated what you are REALLY trying to accomplish, you then ask yourself:
2. “Now that I know what I’m REALLY after, is my proposed idea the BEST one to make that happen? Or, are there better alternatives?”
Often there are. Master this and you will never be uncertain about which path to take.