From the Desk of Keith Hafner
I’m the Best Piano Teacher
I give my grandson, Sebastian, a piano lesson each week.
Here’s how I know I’m the best teacher: How many teachers out there have students that sprint to the piano when it’s time for the lesson?
In fact, when I tell my grandson it’s time for our lesson, he drops whatever he’s doing, runs in place, squealing with delight, and tears off to the piano.
Now, even though I know I’m the best piano teacher, I feel I should mention that my student isn’t quite two years old yet.
I should probably disclose, too, that I don’t know the first thing about playing the piano.
But I know I’m the best piano teacher.
You’d know it, too, if you saw us at that big, black, grand piano, each Sunday, after church.
Him sitting on my lap, learning the connection between his pudgy hands and the wondrous sounds…
Each new tone an amazing discovery. Reaching to the right, the upper notes bring peals of laughter.
Reach to the left, where the low notes are felt in the chest…”Wowwww!,” my student marvels.
Can I brag a little on my student? He never makes a mistake. Not even one time has he hit a wrong note. The music he makes is always note-for-note perfect.
Someday, other teachers may be involved in this… ones who know how to play, for instance.
But those teachers are easy to find.
But the Grandpas…and the other teachers, leaders, coaches — who understand that the true teacher teaches the love of the activity — are harder to find…