From the Desk of Keith Hafner
One Person Who Cares.
As usual, I’ve been thinking a lot about ‘Keith Hafner’s Karate’ kids.
Not just our current students. But all the kids (in excess of 20,000!) we’ve worked with over the years.
Sadly, some of these kids come to us from difficult circumstances. Some, not popular in school. Some who are poor readers. Many from broken homes. Kids who are bullied. Sometimes, kids who are, themselves, bullies.
Sweet kids…and usually, victims of difficult circumstances.
But here is the good part. I can think back about countless times where ‘Keith Hafner’s Karate’ has played an important part in getting that kid on track. Giving some needed confidence. Some structure. Some excitement. A sense of hope for the future. Meaningful goals to strive for.
Now, I’m not saying this to brag about ‘Keith Hafner’s Karate.’
My point is that, for many kids, all it takes to get them on the right path is ONE PERSON who cares. One school teacher. One assistant pastor. One coach. One piano teacher. One kind neighbor.
One person who is willing to take the time to SEE that kid differently than the rest of the world sees him or her. To look past the poor social skills; past the bad grammar; and often, past the bad behavior.
Just one person who sees and values this ‘diamond in the rough’ and is willing to gently, slowly, develop the kind of relationship that empowers them to speak into that kids life.
And here’s my point. That person might just be YOU.
If you look for this kid, he or she won’t be hard to find. But I’ll give you a clue, anyway: they don’t always come in ‘pretty packages.’
Who is the kid who is kind of hanging around your edges? Who doesn’t quite fit in? Doesn’t seem connected to much of anything?
Just maybe, you are the ‘one person’ who has been placed in their path. Are you ready?