From the Desk of Keith Hafner 

Think for Three Days.


Here’s a strategy I’ve used with great success.  When faced with a challenge, I will write it down, in question form, and stay focused on it for three days.

During that time, I will not allow my focus to drift to other challenges or problems.

For example, I might write down, ‘How can I develop skilled teachers faster?’

And I allow that question to sink deep into my thinking.

Now, I’m not sitting there like Rodin’s Thinker and pondering laboriously.  I’m going about my day, dealing with everyday tasks.

But I keep asking myself the same question:  ‘How can I develop skilled teachers faster?’

When ideas occur to me, I write them down.

Your brain already has the answers you need.  But, usually, when we try to solve challenges, we think about it for a little while…then move on to something else.

This strategy allows your brain to do what it’s meant to do…to dig deep for answers.

I’ve never had this strategy fail me.