The Power of a Single Mission

by Keith Hafner

Within the “Keith Hafner’s Karate” Family, we do one thing. And we do it really well.

In fact, we’ve been doing it right here on Main Street, in downtown Ann Arbor, since 1974.

We use the lessons of the Martial Arts to unleash the powerful forces that lie, untapped, inside our students. Kids, especially.

Lessons of courage, focus, respect, self-control.

That’s it. Nothing else. A Single Mission. Relentlessly pursued.

It starts by standing with the families in our community. Aligning ourselves with their hopes and dreams. Their goals and aspirations.

Seeing the good in people. Recognizing potential. Often, potential that has been overlooked; underdeveloped; often, ignored.

Our Mission thrives on the challenge of turning weakness into strength.

It requires patience; kindness; resilience; grit; and most importantly, a hard edged hope.

It’s leadership that rejects defeat, negativity, and all limiting beliefs.

The Mission demands imagination, humility, courage, and focus.

It’s the radical idea of creating bright futures, empowerment and hope — shining light into a dark and cynical world.

No distractions. Nothing to steal our focus. No kidding ourselves that we can be good at everything.

Not trying to change the whole world. Each day, just doing our best to improve our little part of it.

To us, this is work that matters.

Each day, the KHK teachers come to work with a single mission: To empower our students to succeed.

Courage. Focus. Respect. Self-Control. That’s it. That’s what we do.