From the Desk of Keith Hafner


Excel at Anything with these Four Steps.

Many folks watch top performers and admire their talent.  What they don’t always see is that behind every “talented” performer is a person who has correctly followed the “success formula.” It’s simple and can be done by anybody, regardless of talent.


Step #1.  To excel:  do the reps.  Free throws.  Public speaking.  Operating a chain saw.  Any activity…

Talent?  Pfui. Doing the reps. That is the talent…

What if you shot 15,000 free throws?  Nobody could touch you.


Step #2. It’s simple:  Study those already great.

What are their disciplines?  How do they handle adversity?  What are they doing right now?

Here is what they are doing right now:  way, way, way more than you can think or imagine.

If you could follow them around for an entire day — I guarantee you would be shocked at all the things they do…


Step #3.  Check your intensity.  Are you interested in your endeavor…or are you committed?

There is an old Martial Art story about a Master and a student going for a walk.  The Master points out a fox chasing a rabbit.  “Who will win?” asks the Master.  “Who could say?” replied the student.  “The rabbit usually wins,” said the Master.  “Why?”  “Because the fox is running for his dinner — but the rabbit is running for his life,” replied the Master.

In this story, the fox is interested.  The rabbit is committed.  Which are you?


Step #4. Persist until you succeed.

If you do, in fact, succeed in becoming great at your activity…it won’t be because no obstacles presented themselves.

I know this seems self-evident…but most folks quit after the first couple of obstacles.

Success tests us by letting us encounter difficulties.