From the Desk of Keith Hafner
One Way to Be Free.
Many people are emotionally crippled by painful memories. Their lives are miserable today because of things that happened long ago.
Make this resolution: to let painful memories have no more power over you.
You say, ‘Sure. That SOUNDS good. But how do I do it?’
Here’s how to rid yourself of painful memories: STARVE them out. You do this by refusing to think about them; to rehearse them; to revisit them; to feel them… You refuse to give them any attention whatsoever. They will eventually ‘starve’ and lose their power over you.
You say, ‘But it’s hard. You don’t know how painful these memories are!’
You are right. It IS hard. But getting rid of them is not nearly as hard as living with them, each and every day. They steal your joy. They rob you of your future.
It IS hard to master them. But it’s worth the effort.