From the Desk of Keith Hafner
Looking for Tiger Tracks
Grandson Markus, now six years old.
Each summer, beginning when he was four, Markus and I would “gear up” (binoculars; walkie-talkies; big gloves, hunting knives, goggles, etc.) and go down into our field and search for tiger tracks.
We always find some evidence: footprints; a place where a tiger had obviously laid down and slept; a well-frequented watering hole.
One year, Markus even saw something orange moving down by the tree line.
Most boys have to learn to be brave. Much easier for a boy to learn courage when, since age four, he has tracked tigers with his Grandfather…
Sebastian, age three, is in the on-deck circle.
Me, to Markus: “Do you think Sebastian is ready to look for tiger tracks with us this summer?”
Markus: “No.”
Me: “Why?”
Markus: “You’ve only got two hunting knives.”
Later on…
Me: “We can probably find another knife for Sebastian.”
Markus: “Yeah.”
Me: “I wonder though… Sebastian is only three. Do you think maybe we should give him a rubber knife instead of the ones like ours?”
Markus: “Yeah. He’s not big, like us.”
Next? An important meeting. Planning our expedition. Goal? Look for and find tiger tracks in our field
Markus to Sebastian: “Sebastian, you get to look for tiger tracks with me ‘n Grandpa!”
Sebastian: “Yeah!”
Markus: “You get to wear goggles and have a walkie-talkie. But you only get to have a rubber…”
Me, interrupting, whispering to Markus: “Hey…do you think we ought to let Sebastian think he has the same kind of knife we big guys have?”
Markus: “Oh yeah!”