From the Desk of Keith Hafner
How to Teach
1. It’s simple. Not easy, but simple. An effective teacher gets students committed to learning.
2. The best way to learn? Figuring it out as you go. The best way to teach? Construct situations where your students must figure it out as they go. Don’t overlook the significance of the word “go” in this principle. An effective teacher motivates her students to “go.”
Here’s what “go” means: To investigate. To take apart and see what’s inside. To question “facts.” To hustle. To snoop. To seek other sources.
3. Used to be the best teacher was the one who knew the most. Had the most facts. Now, facts are everywhere. Anybody can find out anything they are motivated to know. Opens the door for a whole new breed of teacher.
The teacher of the future is one who knows how to motivate. Inspire. Guide. Solve problems. Unlock imagination.
Simple, right? Not easy…but simple.