From the Desk of Keith Hafner

How the Martial Arts Work.


We learn things, at the most basic level, based on physical experiences.  When you were very young, you put your hand on something hot — it hurt…and you learned not to repeat that move.

Nobody explained the danger of hot things to you in words in any way that could improve on that physical lesson.

As we get older, we have other ways to learn (words)…but the physical lessons still are the ones that touch us the most deeply.

Here is where the Martial Arts come in.

You come to Martial Art class and do some really wonderful stretching exercises.  You are pleased to find your physical body becoming more and more flexible.

Then, one day, your Martial Art teacher says some things to the class about being open minded;  about being less rigid in thinking;  about being more FLEXIBLE in the way they approach things.

Suddenly, because you’ve made such good progress with your physical flexibility, you can understand this lesson in a way that was not possible before.

Another example:  Some people feel disempowered in their lives.  They’ve lost the hopeful attitude they once enjoyed.  They feel like they just can’t make the changes they’d like to make in their lives.

Then, in Martial Art class, the teacher begins to teach them the principles of shifting their body weight.  The basic punch, which initially felt so awkward and clumsy, now SNAPS with new power.

You are thrilled because your punch has 4 or 5 times as much power as it had a few short weeks ago.

Well…guess what?  Now you start to see yourself in a different light.  Because your BODY has learned the principles of power…you start to understand the things your teacher is saying about being EMPOWERED to create change in your life!