From the Desk of Keith Hafner

The Plateau.


You are making progress.  You are energized.  Excited.  Motivated.  You practice all the time.

Then, you reach the ‘plateau.’

Suddenly, nothing works.  You do the same things…but now, no upward progress.

Maybe you even go a little backward.

When the ‘plateau’ is reached.  Most quit.

The few who continue reap all the rewards.

There are huge rewards for those who can hang there and grind it out.

In the Bible, Paul says, (KH translation):  ‘Hey…don’t think something weird is going on because you are facing all kinds of trials and tribulations…’

Same here.  Quit thinking something is wrong because your results have leveled off.

Dare I say it?  ENJOY the plateau…

Keep doing the right things.  Don’t give up when it seems like nothing is happening.

Results usually come in bunches.