From the Desk of Keith Hafner

The Old ‘Switcher-OO’


I admit it.  We pull ‘the old  switcher-oo’ on our students.

We give them some things that are hard to learn.  Techniques, forms, sparring.

We tell them that, in order to learn the ‘thing,’ they’ve got to improve their focus.

Their self-discipline needs  some work too, if they are going to ‘learn the thing.’

And they might have to work on their confidence, so they  can move outside their  comfort zone — and learn ‘the thing.’

Here’s the ‘switcher-oo:’

We don’t really want them to develop the confidence, discipline, focus so they can ‘learn the thing.’

We want them to ‘do the thing’ so they can develop the confidence, focus, discipline.

A little sleight of hand…for which I make no apology.