From the Desk of Keith Hafner
Okay, So You Goofed.
It doesn’t matter so much that you’ve made a mistake. What really counts is what you do AFTER the mistake.
Don’t ignore the mistake. Don’t fail to take responsibility. On the other hand, don’t continue to beat yourself up — to revisit the mistake.
Here is what to do:
1. When the dust from your mistake has settled a bit, ‘squeeze’ the mistake. In other words, review what happened from every possible point of view. There are valuable lessons hidden inside the mistake. ‘Squeeze’ every one out of this experience that you possibly can.
2. Write down what you’ve learned in your journal. This way you can revisit what you’ve learned from painful experience…so as not to fall into the same trap again.
3. Then, DUMP it. Dust yourself off, give yourself a clean mental slate, and move forward.