I have this theory that computers never become faster.  The machines themselves become faster, of course.

  But, you see, the new, faster computer can run this new software, with more lights, video, and doo-dads…which places a heavier demand on the new, supposedly faster computer, so that it winds up running at the same speed as the old one (if you are fortunate).

  You’ve been through this, haven’t you?

  I think it’s the same with power.  I believe that energy will always be expensive.

  When cheap fuel is developed, it will allow us to create more complicated, energy guzzling stuff.

  Which will in turn, demand a more scarce, expensive type of energy.

  A hundred years ago, coal was expensive.  Then, they developed better ways to mine, to distribute.  Costs came down.

  So what?  Next thing you knew, everything ran on electricity, which was more expensive than coal.